On each ad you will find “In-store”, “Ships within Australia”, “private ad”, or “Click-and-collect.”
Click-and-Collect: You can go ahead and order the item on our website and head down to the shop at your convenience. This is easily navigated by using our search icon at the top left of the screen. You also can input your location and driving distance you are willing to go for this item. To add even more filters in your search, on the left hand side of your screen, you will see the filter ‘availability’ where you can click what form of shipping you're looking for.
Ships within Australia: This means the item is shippable anywhere within Australia.
In-Store: This means you can head down to the listed bike shop today and pick up this item. This is easily navigated by using our search icon at the top left of the screen. You also can input your location and driving distance you are willing to go for this item. To add even more filters in your search, on the left hand side of your screen, you will see the filter ‘availability’ where you can click what form of shipping you're looking for.
Private Ad: This means all the correspondence will be done with the seller. If the seller decides they are willing to ship the item, that also is negotiated with the seller/buyer.